March 24, 2025
অগ্রবর্তী সময়ের ককপিট

আমাদের সম্পর্কে


GMT News24 started its journey in 10th April, 2021. It is fully powered & sponsored by PAP International LTD. Our slogan is “অগ্রবর্তী সময়ের ককপিট”. We are here to give users all the latest news as fast and as reliably as possible. We want to prosper through our work. We want to win every user’s heart through our true & authentic news as well as with our unique design, layout, view & ease of access. We want to cover as much territory as possible with both our printed and digital offerings.

Our Ethics:

We are getting popular day by day because we have some unique values & principles we follow:

  • We at GMT News24 practice transparent, objective & professional journalism.
  • We are here to represent people & stand by their side.
  • We are full of positivity. Everyday we speak of positive change.
  • We welcome innovation. Innovation is progress.
  • We believe in group work. Unity is power.

Our Exclusivity:

We are here to serve the people. We respect the democracy, the community and the spirit of liberation war. We are not bias toward any specific group or party. We are eager to serve you unbiased, truthful & authentic news. We are equally respectful to all the races & all the people as we believe in “We all are human” motto.

We make sure that all our journalists follow the journalism rules & ethics strictly. Our expert & well-trained journalists are scattered all around to give you all the latest news as fast as possible. They make sure all news get covered. They are also trained to maintain moderate and soothing language in our news.

We are inspired by our readers. Our readers keep us going and give us the push to improve. GMT News24 will always be accountable to its user/readers.

GMT News24 Online News Portal:

We started our journey as an online news portal. Now is the era of digital platforms. It is very convenient to get access to news from anywhere anytime. We are here to give you that convenience. Any news that is important, rest assure. We will be sure to cover it. We are also open to suggestions. If you think we are lacking some features or not covering the type of news; feel free to contact us. We will take your suggestion into count.

GMT News24 Printed:

This is a work in progress. Stay with us. We will be launching in this platform soon……

GMT News24 IP TV:

This is a work in progress. Stay with us. We will be launching in this platform soon……

এই ওয়েবসাইটটি আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা উন্নত করতে কুকি ব্যবহার করে। আমরা ধরে নিচ্ছি যে আপনি এটির সাথে ঠিক আছেন, তবে আপনি ইচ্ছা করলেই অপ্ট আউট করতে পারেন। স্বীকার করুন বিস্তারিত